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Our services.

Our support focuses on in-depth research and insights, building stakeholder relationships, and supporting organisational thought leadership and policy change. Our skillset is a hybrid between a management consultancy and a reputation management consultancy - using our understanding of building positive reputational perceptions and trust to inform our work to bring stakeholders together to solve problems based on strong science and robust analytics.

White papers, literature reviews, trends and benchmarking reports

Many organisations focused on social and environmental issues need to understand the academic literature and science in their areas of focus, identify best practice internationally as well as global trends, and public reports and white papers that provide their view on important issues. Our team has extensive experience in drafting written reports based on scientific and other research and analysis.


Landscape and stakeholder mapping

We help clients to understand the stakeholder and policy landscapes that they need to navigate. We conduct extensive research to identify the most important organisations, conversations and policies that our clients should consider as they seek to make an impact. This work helps clients to prioritise resources, time and strategic focus in the work that they do and understand the competitive landscape and their place within it.


Stakeholder opinion research

Reputation is largely determined by stakeholder perceptions - so to build or change reputation, you first have to understand precisely what they are using stakeholder opinion research. Stakeholder opinion research is conducted using a variety of tools, and it both informs and guides the process. We use in-depth interviews, focus groups, key informant interviews and online surveys to help clients to understand how different stakeholder groups perceive them and their added value/role. This helps us to identify clear and actionable insights into issues, as well as existing stakeholder expectations and perceptions that can help to shape a reputational programme.


Stakeholder strategy and engagement plans

Impact on social and environmental issues comes, in part, through stakeholder engagement. By engagement, we mean meeting and collaborating with different organisations - often with whom there is a share or mutual interest. We help our clients to build long-term, meaningful and trusting stakeholder relationships by helping them to identify and choose the most appropriate partners based on authentic common interest. We support them to structure these engagements so they are value-added, contribute new ideas and subject matter expertise and consistently deliver on their commitments - all of which foster a better connection and relationship, and build trust.


Thought leadership

Thought leaders demonstrate intellectual or strategic skill and leadership on a topic. Usually, leadership takes the form of convening high level conversations, engaging in progressive and intelligent dialogue, engaging leading stakeholders and publishing articles or thought pieces. To be truly leading, the content of thought leadership should provide an original point of view on trends, new ideas or ways of thinking, international best practice and position the organisation as a subject matter expert. We help clients to develop and express their intellectual thought leadership by helping them to identify the 'territory' where leadership is most appropriate, and by supporting the expression of their knowledge, expertise and perspective using research, analysis, content creation and article and speech writing.


Policy advocacy and communications

Authentic and substantive communications help organisations to stand out in today's environment of information and 'white noise' overload. Using our experience and understanding of key communications' principles, we help our clients to understand and focus on their audiences' expectations, align their communications to meet these expectations with high quality content, structure the delivery and cadence of communications, and deliver effective communications internally and externally. Our work on policy advocacy focuses on deep research and analysis, positioning development, strategy and outreach support.


Organisational strategy

A strategy is a roadmap that guides an organisation. Usually, strategies are co-created, often through the consultation with many different stakeholders and interest groups. Strategies must contain sufficient structure in order to be easily understandable and effective. We seek to be a thinking partner for our clients' strategy development - to help them to develop their strategies through research, challenging their thinking and assumptions, and helping them to put structure and a framework around their ideas in a way that is both clear and actionable. 


Multi-stakeholder platforms and dialogue support

Leading organisations that are seeking to drive change in the public interest need to understand and listen to the views of other stakeholders, including academics and scientists, civil society organisations, think tanks, the private sector and others. We help clients to build and convene multi-stakeholder platforms to host dialogue and conversations that serve the public interest and promote collaboration and greater impact.

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